Teen Dating Violence (TDV), a growing public health epidemic
especially in low income communities. has major hurdles to overcome to
reduce the United States occurrence rates. While rates in Pennsylvania are close to the national average, in Philadelphia rates are
double both national and state averages. Why? What are the challenges
we face in reducing rates of TDV..
One answer: Competition with highly offensive rap lyrics, with
degrading depictions of girls and young women, used by noted rappers like Lil
Wayne and Rick Ross, who both rap in their songs indicate it's okay to
rape, hit, or kill girls and young women
We believe
these violent lyrics are having major impact on the psyche (mind) and behaviors of
young folk, who spend too much time listening to this offensive
genre. Poorer low income communities, youth with less exposure to entertainment choices, living in communities plagued with crime, drugs,
and violence, most often are lacking in safe community opportunities for
constructive teen activity, and is a fertile breeding ground for increased TDV
rates. Our focused research partnership with our Youth Leadership Team,and University of Pennsylvania takes a closer look during our
Money-Power-Respect research project (soon to be released).
How does a young
mind separate reality and truth from these lyrics? Are they just loving the beat, but
immune to these violent lyrics depicting how to treat girls and young women? Are adults so turned off to this form of youth
entertainment- we don't even know what the lyrics are saying? Answer: All the above.
From my remembrance, music had
profound impact on attitudes and behaviors of it's listeners. The
argument for freedom of expression rights, should never outweigh ethics, values, and morals, or target a specific group or gender. The recent pull back of Mountain Dew and Reebock from
sponsorships to the two (2) rappers referenced above- is a great step
towards saying, "we aren't taking it anymore". Some of us are listening
intently and refuse to allow this low level of regard for OUR daughters to prevail. Stay tuned....
We welcome your opinion.
Let's stop it now...