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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wangari Maathai

Wangari Maathai proves through her inspiring community work, that saving the environment can begin with small measures- one step at a time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Youth for Human Rights

Youth for Human Rights is an international group working to raise awareness about Youth Rights as human beings. They say, "Youth should be allowed to be, to do, or to have. These rights are there for protection against people who might want to hurt or harm you. These rights are there to help all get along with each other and live in peace ". Please read more about the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thanks for your comments re the blog and website

Thank you very much for your feedback. It's really important and greatly appreciated. The blog addition is a great way for us to at least dialogue and get important feedback from our network in real time. However, keeping our website updated using html is a whole other story. As soon as we are able, we will revisit the website to make some of the modifications you've suggested.

Background: A talented and creative young man created the website for us in 2005. He remained committed to updating it until the 2008 economic downturn when he was laid off. He was then no longer able to continue volunteering his time. Simultaneously with the 2008 global economic decline, we weren't able to bring him on as a consultant. So now the website is old (circa 2008) and we don't know how to update html.

In spite of the economic climate from 2008 when we introduced our Love Speak for ME - teen dating violence awareness and education program, the number of youth we've seen increased from #1200, to #4500 by 2011. Like most non profits we struggle to survive. But we've never let that get in the way of our service and advocacy commitments. 

With great Faith, continued Hope, and hard work we will continue to make a difference. Thanks so much for your feedback.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Safe Space-STOP Teen Dating Violence

At The Asia Adams Save OUR Children Foundation, we want to include the many voices of OUR teens. We feel all children and teens are the children's children of OUR generations. Issues regarding teen relationships, reducing risks of being a victim of dating violence, preventing sexual assault, and avoiding any unhealthy behaviors will improve your chances for a physically and emotionally healthy life. This is the core of our existence. In the meantime, lift up your voices.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Philadelphia Departments Budgets

On Wednesday, April 20th in City Council chambers -City Hall Room#400- at 10AM, the Health Department, Department of Human Services (DHS) and others will present their budgets for the upcoming fiscal year. As concerned citizens of Philly we need to be present to support full funding for these crucial programs in the fa...ce of state and federal cutbacks and through these troubling economic times.

Love is Not Abuse

The Asia Adams Save OUR Children Foundation- Love Speak for ME dating violence (dv) project recommends "Love is Not Abuse", a project sponsored by Liz Claiborne. They have created a survey revealing the signs of dating violence and how to respond - to prevent you or someone you know from becoming a victim.;jsessionid=411983631117119816E4D2943C461688

Love is Respect

This series of videos, made available by @loveisrespect, shows how dating violence has become very prevalent in our media culture - It is plainly displayed on TV for young girls and boys to see - as if this violence is the norm. It should never be.


Inspiring Song About Domestic Violence

This is an enlightening song about the truths of domestic violence.

Eman al-Obeidy-Libyan Rape Victim

Like this sister Eman, It is critical all women and girls report when sexually assaulted. Most assaults are not reported for fear of attempts to denigrate the woman's character ex- calling her a whore- Yet Eman has courage and remains firm. The only way we can combat such attacks against our sisters is to expose those ...who victimize women and girls. Thanks for your courage Eman. You are an inspiration.

Dating Violence

Now we're finally talking about dating violence. Why does it take such extreme circumstances in the lives of entertainers when every 15 minutes in the US some woman is getting abused? Don't regular people matter?

Asia Adams Save OUR Children Foundation is an advisory board member of the Philadelphia Health Department "Get Healthy Philadelphia" Child Health Initiative

Nutrition Media Campaign Assets
Please use our materials for your organization to raise awareness of important nutrition-related information. Specifically the nutrition ads focus on the amount of sugar in sugary drinks and their health risks, particularly diabetes.

“Time for a Change” 30-sec TV spot:

“Mr. Sugar” 60-sec Radio spot : 

Tobacco Media Campaign Assets
Please use our materials for your organization to raise awareness of important tobacco-related information. Specifically the tobacco ads are intended to promote quitting with help to smokers.

“Last Pack” 30-sec TV spot:

“Last Pack” 60-sec Radio spot:

Contact Information 
We hope your experience with using these media assets is successful. We would love to hear where you have used the materials and any feedback you have received. For questions about any of the materials outlined in this document, for special requests of alternate formats, to be added to our email list for updates, or to receive our monthly e-newsletter feel free to email us below:

Rebecca Winkler 
Internal Media Specialist (For matters re: Media Campaign & Website)
Office Phone: 215-686-5243

Terry Johnson
External Media Specialist (For matters re: Press & Solicitation)
Office Phone: 215-686-5232

Consumer Nutrition Site: 
Nutrition Facebook Fan Page: 
Tobacco Site: 
Tobacco Facebook Fan Page:



A new Twitter account has been opened on behalf of this organization. The username is "AsiaAdams21" and the official name is "Love Speak for ME". Please follow this account in order to receive up-to-date information about important events and the like. Feel free to contribute to this Twitter account and attract more followers.!/AsiaAdams21